Effective August 17, 2023, services are suspended.  Please contact cais@uga.edu to request lab status updates.

The CAIS uses state-of-the-art instrumentation and processing to enable individual compound characterization. Gas Chromatographic and High Performance Liquid Chromatography are used for separation of compounds from complex mixtures prior to identification and quantitation.

Samples amenable to Gas Chromatographic separation such as flavors, beverage extracts, archaeological compounds of interest and marine derived compounds are measured by direct injection of compounds in suitable solvent. Those not amenable may be derivatized for easy vaporization and elution through the analytical column. For long chain hydrocarbons, non-volatile and those compounds not amenable to derivatization are separated using HPLC methods with suitable detectors for specific class of compounds.

The CAIS has a couple of mass spectrometers coupled to the gas chromatographs for direct determination of the structure and quantity using available libraries fir comparison. When target compounds.

Complex samples are first analyzed using GC/IRMS technique to ascertain purity of individual compounds relative to other compounds in the mixture and their individual isotopic value such as the δ13C value. Individual compounds are collected using a Gerstel preparative fraction collector while monitoring the peak collection efficiency on the GC’s FID detector. Individually collected compounds can then be assessed for purity and lack of fractionation during this processing by both GC/MS and GC/IRMS of the individual compound. Once confirmed, collected compounds are converted to graphite for analysis on a AMS instrument.



GC/MS up to 10 compounds Call for TAT
Organic ID and/or quantitation$200



Natural Products Submission Form