Forensic research at CAIS overlaps with many other CAIS research areas. For example, we can examine consumer products to detect counterfeiting and adulteration of food and other commodities. Many techniques developed for archaeology and geochemistry likewise can be used in forensic science. We can measure stable isotopes in tissue (e.g., hair, nails, bone, and teeth) to determine where a person has lived or traveled based on isotopes that reflect water input (H and O) and diet (C, N, and S). We can also use heavy radiogenic isotopes (Sr, Nd, and Pb) to provide information on the local geology. Isotopes (stable and radiogenic) also can be used to source drugs and many other materials of forensic interest. We can conduct elemental analysis (using plasma chemistry or X-ray fluorescence) to source or compare objects or trace evidence (e.g., glass, paint, tape, ink, gunshot residue, soil). We have gamma spectroscopy and alpha-beta scintillation capabilities that also can be applied to nuclear forensics.