Laura A. Dupont is an M.S. student at UGA, studying speleothems as paleoclimate archives of equatorial Africa since the Last Glacial Maximum. As a student of the Geology Department, her research under Dr. L. Bruce Railsback uses stable isotope analysis to infer changes in regional climate and vegetation patterns. In the fall of 2017, she received her B.S. Geology and B.A. Anthropology, with an Interdisciplinary Certificate in Archaeological Studies. Her senior thesis titled, “Evaluating Human-Driven Environmental Change Using a Stalagmite from northwestern Madagascar” explored the effects of human settlement and swidden agriculture in Madagascar since 400 CE. She presented this research at the S4 Summer School for Speleothem Science in Burgos, Spain in August of 2017 and at the UGA CURO Symposium in April of 2018.
Job Title: Former Student
Highest Degree Earned: B.A./B.S.